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Home Insurance

Owning a home in Central Park or on the shores of Lake Erie offers a wide variety of beautiful views. But do you have homeowner's insurance coverage to keep your home and belongings safe?

Homeowner's insurance in New York isn't mandatory. It's an optional but vital product that protects your belongings. It ensures their safety in the event your property or house suffers damage. These include wind damage, vandalism, fire, and theft.

Homeowners in New York face challenges specific to this state as well. During the winter, it's not uncommon to deal with lots of snow, ice dams, and frozen pipes. During the summer, you can expect hail and thunderstorms powerful enough to damage property. Fall is beautiful here, but there's the hurricane season to contend with. The SLC Insurance agency understands what New York homeowners need. That's why we offer individualized homeowners coverage for your particular situation.

What Does Home Insurance in New York Cover?

Many homeowners' insurance policies are alike. Some are different. The protection that most seem to offer include:

  • Personal liability
  • Personal poverty coverage
  • Property damage to the home

Homeowners in New York should also get the following coverage:

  • Flood insurance: Most homeowner's insurance policies don't cover flood damage. This is a headache, especially during hurricane season. It doesn't matter where you live in New York; flooding always happens in areas not designed as having flood risks.
  • Personal property replacement: If your belongings get damaged or lost in a fire or theft, this coverage will allow you to buy brand-new replacements.

The team at the SLC Insurance Agency prides itself on providing clients with valuable guidance. This helps you make informed decisions about the future of your home. It also ensures your valuables are safe in case something untoward occurs. Contact us today to learn more.

Our Partners

  • Hagerty
  • Narragansett
  • NY Mutual
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • SageSure Occidental
  • Travelers
  • US Coastal