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Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella Insurance

No human being is perfect. You'll make at least one mistake in your life. Sometimes this mistake can lead to someone else dealing with significant loss.

Let's say your neighbor gets injured on your property and sues you. If you have property insurance, chances are you have liability coverage. But, that liability coverage has a limit. What happens if you owe more than it covers?

Remove this type of concern from your mind with umbrella insurance from the SLC Insurance Agency in New York. Umbrella insurance offers policy owners extended homeowners' and automobile insurance policy limits. It also provides additional liability coverage.

Why Get Umbrella Insurance from SLC Insurance?

Remove any thought that umbrella insurance is only for the wealthy. We live in a highly litigious society. If someone sues you, all your assets are in danger. This includes your retirement accounts, real estate assets, and your children's college fund.

What Does Umbrella Insurance Cover?

Umbrella insurance will help protect your assets if you're found liable for the following offenses:

  • Bodily injury to others
  • Damaging someone else's property
  • Damage or injuries caused by people renting your property
  • Certain eligible lawsuits, like defamation and slander

What Doesn't Umbrella Insurance Cover?

Umbrella insurance provides a special service to those it covers. But, there are limits to its coverage. For instance, umbrella insurance policies don't cover the following:

  • The liability you assume because of a contract
  • Damage to your personal property
  • Personal injury
  • An intentional or criminal act that causes damage to someone else

Can't I Raise My Policy Limits?

You could raise the limits of your regular insurance to provide more coverage. But, it still won't compare to the protection that an umbrella policy can provide.

Our agents at the SLC Insurance Agency in New York will explain the many benefits of umbrella insurance. They'll also help you with the most affordable policy with the highest amount of coverage. Contact us today to find out how.

Our Partners

  • Hagerty
  • Narragansett
  • NY Mutual
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • SageSure Occidental
  • Travelers
  • US Coastal